Saturday 19 May 2007

Audio Books for Free
This website offers free downloads of audio books and you have to register, the books are free to dowload if you choose 8 kb/s MP3s or 16 kb's MP3s. the 16 Kilobyte version seems fine to me, the only possible inconvienience is that the books are split as an example the 13 hour long version of 20, 000 Leagues Beneath the Sea is split into 45 aprox. 15 minute long MP3s
It also has some handy symbols that tell you the sex of the narrator and the author as well as warning against racist language, murders and 'adults only' Once you have picked your book you can see who the book is read by, whether they are using British or American English and how many parts the book has. There is a filter on the site, which allows you to search by time, sex of narrator and whether the book is abridged or not, among other things. Once you have applied the filter you can sort the books by duration, or alphabetically by Author or Title.

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